Wolff Conference Room, Graduate Faculty Building,
The New School University, 65 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Thursday, December 5
Ronna Burger, Tulane University
“The Thumotic and the Erotic Soul: Seth Benardete on Platonic Psychology”
Richard Velkley, Catholic University of America
“Being and Politics: Seth Benardete on Aristotle’s Metaphysics”
Michael Davis, Sarah Lawrence College
“The Spirit of Ideas: Benardete’s Second Sailing”
Friday, December 6
Agnes Heller, New School University
“Discourse and Action”
Matthew Linck, New School University
“The Night and Day of Philosophy”
Katie Terezakis, New School University
“Distant Justice: Benardete’s Route through Parmenides’ Poem”
Claudia Baracchi, New School University
“On the Good”
Sponsored by the Philosophy Department of the New School University Graduate Faculty